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Redeem a coupon

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Let's get you off the shelf and bring shoppers back!

Séve delivers actionable data, a hassle free coupon system, and ensures shoppers come back.

What is Séve?

"We invest thousands of dollars annually on in-store sampling and promos. But, managing coupons and accurately tracking the number of sales is nearly impossible."

Marketing Manager - 1,000+ stores

Designed to be store agnostic & nationwide.

  • Manage the availability of digital coupons from a distance as well as live usage data
    Measure customer return rates with additional touchpoints and lower opt-out rates
    Increase brand consistency and demo conversions with a branded landing page
A cropped picture of an in-store demo

How does Séve work?


Create an account at helloSeve.com
Time: < 3 minutes
Séve Step 1 Illustration


From your dashboard, create a new campaign and assign offer terms in a few clicks.
Time: < 2 minutes
Séve Step 2 Illustration


Share your new offer with ambassadors and generate a QR code to be displayed at a demo booth.
Time: < 1 minute
Séve Step 3 Illustration


After scanning the code, your branded landing page will appear where the shopper can redeem your offer by uploading their receipt to Séve.
Time: 14 seconds (we timed it.)
Séve Step 4 Illustration


Anonymized data reflecting the purchase will be instantly reflected in your dashboard and the coupon value is sent to the customer.
Time: 0 seconds of your time
Séve Step 5 Illustration

We care about

Simplifying your work.

Here's what you'll notice after using Séve...

What we get rid of.

And how.

Paper coupons - the implementation cost and the slow process
Séve allows you to generate unlimited digital coupons that can be managed from your dashboard. Automate coupons, set value and quantity, and keep a close eye on all sales channels.
Lack of performance-based bonuses
Thanks to the insight collected, you can now ensure your best ambassadors are recognized and motivated.
Only retailer-dependent data for in-store sales
Collecting data from every store brand is no longer a hassle. Our system is retailer agnostic while enabling store-specific insight.
Un-optimized spend due to the lack of insight
Measure where your efforts are driving sales, where product is flying off the shelves, and how you can optimize your spending to reach more eyes.
Expired data
From within your dashboard, you can view the evolution of your marketing ROI over time. Being as specific or broad as you want.
Indecisiveness when picking growth channels
Get insight over time - allowing you to see correlations between your marketing efforts and increased sales volumes, unlocking better planning.
Having to go with market "standards" when pricing an event
Pricing a demo is no longer a fixed cost that is set by market "trends". In your dashboard you can view performance trends and share as needed.

Let us get boots on the ground by running an in-store demo for you.
It's on us.

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